In this issue


December 18, 2019 

Predictions for 2020

We're featuring predictions in this issue as well as highlighting the winners of the 2019 40 Under 40 and 20 Under 40 awards – that's a lot to digest for people who might think the accounting profession is a stagnant place.

Gail Perry


December 17, 2019 

5 Ways Inconsistency Is Costing Your Firm

Many firms are looking for new ways to leverage technology to save time, scale their services and increase profitability. However, when those firms operate daily with processes that are disorganized, lack consistency and are ineffective, even the very ..

Arianna Campbell

2019 Form W2

December 16, 2019 

2019 Review of W2 and 1099 Systems

Whether you’re a small, local businesses, or a global enterprise, if you have employees, you need to process W-2s. This is typically completed through your payroll service, but if you handle payroll in-house, you are responsible for processing these ...

Mary Girsch-Bock

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December 13, 2019 

Does Your Firm Need a Technology Steering Committee?

In an accounting firm, technology is embedded in everything we do. Yet too often, we see firms hand off responsibility for all technology projects to their IT teams. Firms that successfully leverage technology as a strategic asset recognize that ...

Jim Boomer

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December 12, 2019 

Do Your Best Emerging Technology

From the December 2019 Issue. I my columns last year, I explored the details of various emerging technologies. For this column, I’d like to re-visit and update changes in emerging technologies for the profession. The frenzy continues around several emerging technologies, and some of the hype is starting to be true. Startups and traditional providers...…

Randy Johnston


December 11, 2019 

Slow Down, Mustang SALY: Time for Innovation

You could not make it through 2019 in the accounting industry without hearing the buzz word of the day, innovation. Can it be true that the accounting industry stands poised for an age of innovation or will SALY (Same As Last Year) continue to prevail?

Garrett Wagner


December 6, 2019 

In Firm: 2020 IT Predictions and 2019 Results

With technology evolving at an increasingly breakneck pace and impacting literally every aspect of today’s accounting practice, it has never been more difficult to separate the tech hype from the reality of workable solutions.

Roman Kepczyk